The implementation of curricular strategies with the use of Martí's work in the universalization

  • Bárbara Muñiz Rodríguez Centro Universitario Municipal de Céspedes. Universidad de Camagüey
  • Jorge Barrueto González Centro Universitario Municipal de Céspedes. Universidad de Camagüey


Given the need to implement the curricular strategies to achieve the integral formation of university students and the identification of insufficiencies in this process, the potentialities of the work of Marti are delimited to achieve these ends. In this sense the present work has as objective to offer actions for the implementation of the curricular strategies with the use of the Martian work in the formation of universalized university students. The use of scientific research methods, both at the theoretical and empirical level, allows us to determine the potential of the work of Martí for the exit of these strategies. The main results identify the impact in areas such as: spelling, writing, the use of ICT, formation of values, knowledge of Martian thought and the development of the ability to obtain information. These results support the effectiveness of the actions implemented from the subject Functional Morphology sports.

Keywords: Curricular strategies, Marti's work, Universalisation
How to Cite
Muñiz Rodríguez, B., & Barrueto González, J. (2019). The implementation of curricular strategies with the use of Martí’s work in the universalization. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(249), 111-125. Retrieved from
Case Study (Clinical)