Study of laterality patterns in the Cuban national table tennis team

  • Sheily Rojas de la Osa Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte Cubano
  • Beatriz Sánchez Córdova Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte Cubano
  • Bárbaro Oliva Concepción Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte Cubano
  • Anabel Lastres Madrigal Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte 'Manuel Fajardo'
  • Yolanda Valdés André Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte 'Manuel Fajardo'


Introduction: Laterality in table tennis plays a decisive role in motor skills and sports performance. Objective: To determine the predominant type of laterality in the athletes of the national team of Table Tennis of Cuba. Methods: 8 athletes of the National Table Tennis Team of Cuba were studied, to which a total of 6 tests were applied, which were selected from the exhaustive analysis of the article Importance of laterality in sports, written by Dr. Paul Dorochenco and polls were also applied to the coaches and an interview to the National Commissioner of this Sport. Results: The predominant type of lateralities in the athletes of the National Table Tennis Team of Cuba was six Homogeneous athletes and two Crusaders, with their respective technical corrections. Conclusions: The laterality test can contribute as an indicator of talent selection.

Keywords: Table tennis, Laterality, Ambidextrism
How to Cite
Rojas de la Osa, S., Sánchez Córdova, B., Oliva Concepción, B., Lastres Madrigal, A., & Valdés André, Y. (2018). Study of laterality patterns in the Cuban national table tennis team. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(247), 40-49. Retrieved from
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