Anthropometric Characteristics and Physical Test Performance results by a Collegiate Women’s Basketball Team


The aim of this study was to learn about the anthropometric profile and level of leg power, displacement velocity, reaction capacity and VO2máx in collegiate basketball players. Nine players were measured by somatotype with a protocol developed by The Society for the Advancement of Kinanthopometry (ISAK). In basic measure it was: age, weight, height, wingspan. In skinfolds: tricipital, subscapular, bicipital, iliac crest, supraspinal, abdominal, front thigh, medial calf. In perimeters: arm relaxed, arm contracted, waist, hip, medial thigh and calf. In diameters: humerus, wrist and femur. Bioelectric impedance testing was also performed done. The results show a profile mesoendomorphic with 5.94±1.42; 4.38±1.26; 2.05±0.95. The resulting differences of leg power measured by the Vertical Jump (VJ) test and Max Vertical (MV) test were too minimal with 35.11±4.62 cm in VJ and 35.88±5.96 cm for MV. The other tests showed low performance scores. Conclusions: The players showed a low performance according to the characteristics of basketball; the somatotype with dominance towards the endomorphy also indicates a poor constitution in collaboration and opposition sports. The case study of this research allows an approach to knowing data that helps to contextualize sport in Mexico.

Keywords: Basketball, Kinanthopometry, Physical condition


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How to Cite
Hernández-Peña, K. T., Pacheco Alcalá, I., Castillo Mora, R. D., & Sánchez Vásquez, M. Ángel. (2021). Anthropometric Characteristics and Physical Test Performance results by a Collegiate Women’s Basketball Team. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(279), 92-110.
Research Articles