Effects of the Physical Activity on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Literature Review
Introduction: The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by obstruction of the airways. Patients with COPD have increased mucus secretion in the airways and hypertrophy of the mucus-producing cells, leading to airway obstruction, increased airway resistance, airflow limitation, Air trapping and increased residual volume, decreasing the aperture efficiency and reducing the capacity for exercise. Objective: Thus, the present study aims to show the benefits of different type of physical training for patients with COPD, through the literature review. Physical therapy plays an important role in the monitoring of patients with COPD and, therefore, it has several strategies to reduce the ventilation work improve ventilation and decrease the sensation of dyspnea. Physical training has a key role in the rehabilitation of patients with COPD, today form the main conduit for the treatment of this disease. Aerobic training increases the concentration of mitochondrial oxidative enzymes, the capillarity of the trained muscles the anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen consumption, and reduces recovery time creatine phosphate, resulting in improved exercise capacity. The literature states that the gain of peripheral muscle strength is the most obvious benefit of strength training in patients with COPD, however this gain does not result in further improvement of exercise tolerance, dyspnea or quality of life. Conclusion: Therefore the benefits of exercise training in COPD are reduced dyspnea, improved quality of life, increase exercise tolerance and gain muscle strength.
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