Analysis of the Peak and Movement of Maturation in Children of the Puerto de Veracruz

  • Santiago Castineyra Universidad Veracruzana
  • Julio Alejandro Gómez Figueroa Universidad Veracruzana
  • Luis Quintana Rivera Universidad Veracruzana
  • José Eduardo Molina Arriola Universidad Veracruzana
  • Víctor Osiris Rodríguez Cervantes Universidad Veracruzana


In the Puerto de Veracruz, 40 measurements (18 boys and 22 girls) were made to school children with the main objective of analyze the peak and movement of maturation of each child evaluated. The measurements were made to the children of both genders which were integrated by: weight, height, sitting height, skin folds and date of birth. Subsequently, they dumped the data into a database, fixed in a Microsoft Excel 2016® as well as a descriptive and graphic analysis in the IBM SPSS Statistics 22® software. We observed that the sample is on an average scale of 10.27 years of age in which the minimum age is 9.49 and a maximum of 11.44 years, means of displacement in both genres were -5.17 years, with an average growth peak of 15.44 years of age. Children with an older age are close to reaching their peak maturation. Nevertheless, who are in a range of age of 10 to 11.10 years of age their movement of maturity is of 8.70 years of age for which it is greater than the rest and its peak of maturation is more distant, until the 19.30 years. The girls present a minimum age of 14.31 years, while in the boys present at the peak of maturation at 17.03 years of age.

Keywords: Boys, Girls, Mesaurements, Maturation


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How to Cite
Castineyra, S., Gómez Figueroa, J. A., Quintana Rivera, L., Molina Arriola, J. E., & Rodríguez Cervantes, V. O. (2020). Analysis of the Peak and Movement of Maturation in Children of the Puerto de Veracruz. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(262), 74-86.
Research Articles