The Physical Education as a Necessary Element in the Formation of the Social Being


Body capacities, the control of the body is necessary in any form of human sociability, the body being the very expression of the individual life of the social being, which in order to maintain it, will require an irrevocable relationship of control and regulation of the metabolism process. with nature, through active and conscious action, making the body and mind a unity of the diverse indispensable for social reproduction. In this sense, this paper aims to discuss, in an introductory way, the complex of Physical Education as a component based on the act of work and necessary for it. Thus, this essay is characterized by being a bibliographical research in which we use the methodological and philosophical theoretical framework of historical materialism, understanding that the contributions of Marx and Engels and recovered by the Hungarian philosopher Lukacs, have elements that educate us to read the understand, approximately, the movement of the real and concrete, therefore, rich in determinations. Therefore, we can conclude and affirm that all intentional human bodily action are human potentialities/capacities present in the act of work, being at the same time responsible for and created by the work. Since work is a conscious action, a teleological approach, body and consciousness (mind), human capacities are ontologically diverse and inseparable.

Keywords: Physical Education, Body capabilities, Ontology of social being, Historical Materialism


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, R. P., & Gomes, V. C. (2020). The Physical Education as a Necessary Element in the Formation of the Social Being. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(264), 2-14.
Research Articles