Analysis of Kenbudo as a Tool Against Bullying


Nowadays, there is an increase in bullying situations among the adolescent. In educational environments, different measures are taken in order to detect these situations and, therefore, be able to deal with the problem of bullying. One of the ways to solve this problem is through the interaction among students in joint activities or through mediation protocols. The objective of this research was to analyse the use of Kenbudo as a way to increase fair play and reduce disruptive behaviours and thus, reduce bullying among adolescents. Owing to this fact, a performance of two Kenbudo sessions was carried out. These two attitudes have been studied since they have a direct relationship in bullying situations. A total of 173 students of first and second Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) from two educational centers in the province of Alicante was surveyed. On the one hand, significant differences were observed in the two variables studied low commitment and irresponsibility as they increased with the activity; on the other hand, the other variable, victory, decreased in the experimental group. The study concludes obtaining significant differences in irresponsibility, the low commitment that increased with the activity and the victory that decreased in the experimental group.

Keywords: Martial art, Physical Education, Innovation, Motivation, Fair play, Disruptive behaviors


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How to Cite
Juárez Nieto, S., Ferriz Valero, A., & García Martínez, S. (2020). Analysis of Kenbudo as a Tool Against Bullying. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(267), 108-117.
Innovation and Experiences