Sources of Self-Efficacy in Rugby Parathletes


This research aimed to evaluate the characteristics of self-efficacy sources in Wheelchair Rugby (WR) athletes, based on an exploratory descriptive research with quantitative approach. Sociodemographic variables were investigated and the Collective Sports Self-Efficacy Scale (CSSES) was composed of six (6) scales: past performance [PP], vicarious experiences [VE], verbal persuasion [VP], physiological indicators [PI], emotional states [ES], and imaginative experiences [IE], one for each source of self-efficacy. The sample consisted of 54 athletes, between 18 and 51 years old (M=33.66, SD=6.41), WR practitioners in clubs affiliated to the Brazilian Wheelchair Rugby Association (BWRA). Correlation results between sources were significant, unlike correlation with sociodemographic data. The sources that presented higher significance when correlated to the others were the PP and IE, both of which showed significant relationship with each other and with the sources related to VE, PI and ES. While VP presented lower significance than the others, except when correlated to VE. Through this analysis, it was found that the applicability of CSSES in WR athletes makes it possible to understand how the beliefs of self-efficacy are formed, and how they can influence athletes performance.

Keywords: Sport psychology, People with disabilities, Self efficacy


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Author Biographies

Manoela Bernardi Barella,

Larissa Carol de Nobrega Ruiz,

João Rodrigo Maciel Portes,

Andrea Duarte Pesca,

Roberto Moraes Cruz,

How to Cite
Barella, M. B., Ruiz, L. C. de N., Portes, J. R. M., Pesca, A. D., & Cruz, R. M. (2022). Sources of Self-Efficacy in Rugby Parathletes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(284), 27-41.
Research Articles