Relationship Between Application of the Pilates Principles and Level of Practice


The Pilates Method consists of a repertoire of exercises based on six principles: concentration, control, centralization, fluidity, precision and breathing. In Pilates practice it is important that these principles are applicable, both for learning exercises and for learning the philosophy of the Method. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the stages of apprenticeship of the principles of Pilates in the execution of The Hundred and the level of practice of Pilates practitioners. 40 participants were evaluated using MANIPilates and MAAPPilates instruments/checklists. These instruments allow, from the observation of the execution of exercises, to record in a score sheet, the level of practice and the level of learning of the principles of Pilates, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using Kendall's Tau correlation test (α = 0.05). Most participants had an intermediate level of practice and an autonomous level of learning, with correlations ranging from very high to moderate between the level of practice and each of the six principles of the Method. The ability to apply the principles of the Method during the execution of The Hundred exercise can indicate the level of practice of the practitioner, because the greater the learning of the principles, the greater the level of practice of the Pilates practitioner.

Keywords: Pilates, Exercise movement techniques, Learning, Exercice, Respiration


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How to Cite
Aquino, J. M. R. de, Pereira, S. C., Schmit, E. F. D., Souza, A. P. S. de, & Candotti, C. T. (2020). Relationship Between Application of the Pilates Principles and Level of Practice. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(267), 47-63.
Research Articles