Effect of Training Environment Manipulation on the Execution Time of Soccer Players' Technical Actions
Solving problems through quick and assertive decisions is an important part of the skills that a footballer needs to master. The development of this ability is possible through the use of reduced games in which we manipulate rules and area, enabling an enriching learning environment. The objective of the study is to analyze the manipulation of the training environment with the addition of external rules and the increase of the area per player, analyzing the decision making in technical actions in its quantity, quality and execution time. Eleven football players belonging to the sub-20 category participated in three game formats: three against three with goalkeepers (area per player - 60.75 m²), six against six with goalkeepers (area per player - 118.8 m²) and ten against ten with goalkeepers (area per player - 305 m²) in three conditions (game without external rules, game with external rules and official game). The filming of the games took place through up to four digital video cameras and were analyzed in a Dvideo environment, making it possible to obtain the players' action as a function of time. The results showed a greater significant difference in the amount and time of technical actions in the conditions of insertion of external rules (p<0.05) and in smaller areas by players (p<0.05). The study concluded that the use of training with games manipulating the environment generates stimuli that enable the athlete to improve the correctness and speed of technical actions.
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