The Offensive in Basketball Initiation: the Optics of Elite Teachers and Coaches in Brazil


The objective of the investigation was to explore the accumulated knowledge of Brazilian higher education coaches and teachers in relation to the process of teaching tactics in the balance of sports in Brazil, in different categories of sports training: pre-mini, mini, junior, child, sub11 to sub15. The study show is made up of 11 coaching coaches with national and international representation and 11 teachers with masters and doctors who work with coaching at universities. The measuring instrument used was the interview based on a semi-structured questionnaire with open questions. Data were analyzed qualitatively by content analysis and quantitatively described in terms of frequency and percentage. The results showed that there is convergence, divergence and inclusion of conflicts of educational thoughts between the contents and methods of teaching the offensive fundamentals in the initiation. It can be decided that, in the initiation stage, complex games should be avoided, privileging teaching based on exercices in game situations. With the results of the study, some conclusions can be drawn: the teaching of offensive systems of balance must be conceived in a broad process, in which its contents and methods vary in the course of process of teaching the technique and tactics of sportsmen, and it is still looking for an initiation model for Brazilian basketball with many studies, mainly longitudinal. Thus, it was possible to indicate some pedagogical possibilities for different phases of the stages of tactical teaching process in Brazilian basketball, considering a wide periodization of pedagogical contents and strategies-formation for teaching.

Keywords: Sports education, Basketball, Teaching


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How to Cite
Oliveira, V. de, Vagetti, G. C., & Paes, R. R. (2021). The Offensive in Basketball Initiation: the Optics of Elite Teachers and Coaches in Brazil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(281), 105-122.
Research Articles