Body Image of Elderly People who Practice Physical Activities: An Integrative Review


Introduction: The perception of body image of an individual is marked by several changes of physical, psychological and social character, and the aging process contributes significantly to changes in the elaboration of the body's self-image. Even if physically active, the idealization of the perfect body image impacts the lives of older subjects in different ways. Objective: The aim of the present study was to search in the literature studies that investigated the body image of elderly practitioners of physical activity. Method: The integrative literature review study included articles published from January 2016 to December 2021.The survey was conducted in the Scopus, Medline EBSCO host and Virtual Health Library (VHL) database using the following descriptors: body image, body perception, body satisfaction, physical activity, walking, physical exercise, water aerobics, aging, elderly and old man. After application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 studies were selected for the final sample. Results: The results found revealed that in most of the investigated populations there is still a high rate of dissatisfaction with body image. However, the intervention with regular physical exercises helped to improve the perception of self-image. Conclusion: It is concluded that body practice plays a fundamental role in maintaining the self-image of physically active elderly people. Since other factors such as income, schooling, occupation, place of residence, nutritional status, among others, must be taken into account for a real change in physical appearance and improvement in the vision of the body image of this population.

Keywords: Body image, Physical activity, Elderly


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Author Biographies

Fábio Brum,

José Henrique dos Santos,

How to Cite
Brum, F., & Santos, J. H. dos. (2023). Body Image of Elderly People who Practice Physical Activities: An Integrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(299), 194-215.
Review Articles