Longitudinal Changes in Children's Physical Fitness According to Participation on School Physical Education


Introduction: Interventions with School Physical Education (SPE) classes indicate that it is possible to increase cardiovascular resistance, decrease overweight/obesity and improve blood indicators of health cardiometabolic risk. Objective: To verify longitudinal changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), body mass index (BMI) and skinfolds sum (SKF) according to participation in an intervention with PE classes, considering relationships with sex and age. Methods: Pedagogical Evaluative research with a quantitative approach. Study participants are children of both sexes aged between 6 and 12 years old, selected by convenience. The variables were evaluated according to the PROESP-BR test protocol and anthropometry. Generalized estimation equation modeling was used to verify longitudinal changes and relationships. Results: The 112 children in the participatory group (PG) who reached 70% or more attendance in the SPE classes, obtained positive changes in CRF, BMI and SKF in greater magnitude compared to the group with less than 70% participation (NPG). Conclusion: A part of the children with high participation in SPE had longitudinal changes referring to improvements in CRF. This participation and increase in CRF may have contributed to the PG's decrease in BMI over the course of a school year. The same effect was not observed for those schoolchildren such as less participation in SPE classes.

Keywords: Physical fitness, Children, Physical Education


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Author Biographies

Vanilson Batista Lemes,


Naildo Santos Silva,


How to Cite
Lemes, V. B., & Silva, N. S. (2022). Longitudinal Changes in Children’s Physical Fitness According to Participation on School Physical Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(294), 103-119. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v27i294.2343
Research Articles