Religiosity, Availability to Forgive and Health of University Students
Introduction: The benefits of forgiveness have been mentioned for many years, but it has increased its focus, when recent studies have demonstrated its relationship with the feeling of well-being and health. Objective: To describe the profile of religiosity, the willingness to forgive and the self-reported health of university students in a private institution. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study of 120 freshman and senior college students of nursing and psychology courses, at a private institution in the South Zone of São Paulo. The Availability to Forgive Scale (EDP) and the Religiosity Index - Duke-Durel were used. Results: The average age of the entire group was 23.1 (SD=7.3) and had 16.2 years of religious affiliation (SD=10.2). Religiosity was above average (60%) for both groups, in the three dimensions that compose it (adding the first two categories). The referred mental health was slightly better in the group of trainees (psychology and nursing) (79.3% and 75% respectively), in relation to physical health. The average EDP score for nursing students was 42.6 for freshman and 40.4 for senior students. Psychology students, meanwhile, had an average EDP score of 50.1 for freshman and 45.0 for senior students. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.598 and p=0.250 respectively). Conclusion: The students' religiosity was “very good”. The willingness to forgive was better in the freshman and senior undergraduate students of psychology, but with no statistically significant difference. Mental health was better for graduate psychology students than the graduate nursing students.
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