Childhood and Learning: Reflections on Moving in Times of Pandemic


The purpose of this text is to reflect on the potential of education by moving within the scope of childhood in the complexity of the current world, having as reference the importance of experience and the knowledge of experience for the learning and development of children present in the literature of the area. From this context emerges the considerations that are organized in three parts. The first makes an approach revisiting concepts that underlie the educational field in a broad sense, related to children's education rights. The second takes up the concepts of experience and knowledge of experience bringing them closer to the area of study of physical education, the human movement. And the third, based on these perspectives, seeks to reflect on the movement of children at a unique moment in the history of contemporary society: the pandemic of COVID-19 in 2020. We highlight moments that the crisis has generated, paths and actions of the process in progress and the need to respect the specificities and needs of childhood, identifying the potential existing in the current context.

Keywords: Childhood, Moving, Pandemic


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How to Cite
Basei, A. P. (2021). Childhood and Learning: Reflections on Moving in Times of Pandemic. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(278), 172-185.
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