Motivation and Use of the Bicycle in Children from 10 to 12 Years Old in Tena


Introduction: The systematic use of the bicycle brings benefits related to health, protection of the environment and saving of economic resources. The intensive use of the bicycle requires, as a first step, the characterization of the motivating factors of the consumer, establishing the causes and, therefore, the foundations of a prospective program of physical-recreational activity. Objective: To analyze the motivational profile of boys and girls between 10 and 12 years old of the Educational Unit “Juan XXIII” in the city of Tena, for the use of the bicycle as a means of physical activity, recreation and transportation. Methods: Descriptive-analytical research, which intentionally selected 40 children between 10 and 11 years old from that Educational Unit. The Behavior Regulation Questionnaire is applied in Physical Exercise, classifying percentage by 5 types of motivation. Results: Regarding the motivational markers of bicycle use, the following data were obtained: In relation to intrinsic regulation, it was determined in 19% of people, whereas the identified regulation was in 20%. The introjected regulation was 20% for boys and 15% girls, and the external regulation was 24% for boys and 20% girls. It is important to clarify that the demotivation factor reached 26% in girls and 17% in boys. Conclusions: However, according to the population studied, it indicated a significant percentage of demotivation in boys and girls in relation to physical exercise on bicycles, since they consider it a little fun activity, due to the loss of time.

Keywords: Motivation, Ecological transport, Bicycle, Physical activity


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How to Cite
Nacimba Toapanta, D. O., & Yépez Herrera, E. R. (2020). Motivation and Use of the Bicycle in Children from 10 to 12 Years Old in Tena. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(267), 35-46.
Research Articles