Influence of Resistant Training on Health Variables of Patients in Hemodialysis


The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of a resistance exercise program on the physical fitness of patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). For this, all users of the renal clinic of Hospital São Vicente de Paulo were invited to participate in the research, being randomly divided into a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). The EG performed resistance exercises during HD, three times/week, for three months. Physical fitness was assessed using the six-minute walk test, the sit-up test and the upper limb endurance test. There was a significant increase in upper limb strength and maintenance of lower limb strength in the experimental group, while the control group had a loss of strength in the lower limbs. In the experimental group, there was still a reduction in the daily sitting time, demonstrating a decrease in the level of sedentary lifestyle. Interventions with physical exercise seem to be promising and should be encouraged in this population.

Keywords: Physical exercice, Chronic renal failure, Hemodialysis


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Author Biographies

Felipe Paim,

Kauan Nascimento Silveira,

Thais Severo Dutra,

Vandressa Kupske,

Juliedy Waldow Kupske,

Moane Marchesan Krug,

Kalina Durigon Keller,

Paulo Ricardo Moreira,

Rodrigo de Rosso Krug,

How to Cite
Paim, F., Silveira, K. N., Dutra, T. S., Kupske, V., Kupske, J. W., Krug, M. M., Keller, K. D., Moreira, P. R., & Krug, R. de R. (2022). Influence of Resistant Training on Health Variables of Patients in Hemodialysis. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(284), 66-81.
Research Articles