Does the Asymmetry of the Handgrip Differ with Time?
The lateral asymmetries in human motor behavior are present in 2 dimensions: preference, which concerns the frequency of use, and the performance, which refers to the execution quality of the body segments. The interaction between biological factors, such as sex and age, and environmental factors influence asymmetries. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the handgrip strength between young and elderly adults and to verify the relationship between sex and manual asymmetry in these different age groups. The sample consisted of 20 healthy young adults (22.6±1.9) and 20 healthy elderly adults (76.3±4.92) of both sexes. A digital dynamometer was used to measure handgrip strength. The results found indicated that the strength performance of young adults was higher than that of the elderly, men have a higher strength performance than women and still, and in particular, young adults had a higher rate of asymmetry than the elderly.
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