Maturational Stage and Biological Age do not Differentiate Body Fat Percentage and Relativized Lean Mass

Study in Youth Soccer Players from Belo Horizonte/MG


Introduction: Aspects of body composition that undergo evolution between youth soccer categories can be considered limiting in the modality performance, such as body fat percentage and body lean mass. It can also be influenced by volume and years of practice and maturation. This cross-sectional study aimed to compare the development of athletes’ body composition in the under 15 (U15) and under 17 (U17) categories in different maturational states, as well as the weekly training volume and practice time, and to verify the distribution of athletes in different maturational states in the different categories (U15 and U17). Methods: The sample consisted of 68 male youth soccer players equally divided into the two categories. These athletes were also classified by the somatic maturation stage through the age of the peak height velocity (APHV). Anthropometric and fat percentage measurements were taken to obtain the variables of interest. Data analysis was conducted by Shapiro-Wilk test, analysis of variance (ANOVA 2x3), and chi-square test (p<0,05). Results: There was no significant interaction or main effects for the body fat percentage and relativized lean body mass. Likewise, no significant differences were identified in the distribution of athletes in different maturation stages between categories (p>0,05). Conclusions: It is concluded that body fat percentage and relativized lean body mass were not influenced by biological age and maturation in young soccer players of different age categories.

Keywords: Growth, Body fat, Exercice, Soccer


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Author Biographies

Mateus Augusto de Melo Mendonça,

Silvia Ribeiro Santos Araújo,

Natália Scalabrini Taurinho,

Rodrigo Gustavo da Silva Carvalho,

Fabiola Bertú Medeiros,

How to Cite
Mendonça, M. A. de M., Araújo, S. R. S., Taurinho, N. S., Carvalho, R. G. da S., & Medeiros, F. B. (2022). Maturational Stage and Biological Age do not Differentiate Body Fat Percentage and Relativized Lean Mass: Study in Youth Soccer Players from Belo Horizonte/MG. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(295), 72-88.
Research Articles