Improvement Exercises for Volleyball Attackers of the Club Universidad Central del Ecuador. Theoretical Validation


Introduction: The attack is a fundamental technique from the technical-tactical point of view. The spike technical-tactical improvement of requires several strategies where enhancing exercises selection could improve its performance. Objective: To theoretically validate an exercise plan through consultation with specialists to effectiveness improve in spike of the university volleyball players belonging to Club Universidad Central del Ecuador. Methods: The research is of a descriptive-analytical type of correlative order, studying the phenomenon by consulting specialists (33 subjects) divided into three independent groups. It will go through three phases: Preliminary Diagnosis, Proposal Preparation and Theoretical Evaluation, allowing to study the content prospectively, as well as the possible improvements that it could have in the volleyball team spike of the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Results: The means obtained in the second evaluation were higher than in the first evaluation, being significantly different in all cases. In the case of the criteria issued by each independent group, most do not present significant differences "Objectivity" (p = 0.185), "Affordability" (p = 0.081), "Progression" (p = 0.589), "Variety" (p = 0.724), “Integrality” (p = 1.000), “Specialization” (p = 0.378) and “Progressive Specialization” (p = 0.641), except for the indicator “Originality” (p = 0.043). Conclusions: There is theoretically a notable improvement in the eight indicators that evaluate the intervention proposal in favor of the second design, as well as a high level of agreement among experts related to scope and limitations of the future intervention proposal.

Keywords: Exercices, Volleyball, Validation study


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How to Cite
Pérez Ayala, A. D. (2020). Improvement Exercises for Volleyball Attackers of the Club Universidad Central del Ecuador. Theoretical Validation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(271), 56-65.
Research Articles