Effect of Especial Physical Exercise of Force to Prevent Tendinitis in the Technical Professional Teaching
The special physical exercises of force have a basic function in the development of the physical qualities of the fundamental activity that is carried out, therefore, the objective of evaluating the effect of special physical exercises of force to prevent tendinitis in the arms of the students of professional technician teaching. The pre-experimental descriptive study, for the same group with quantitative analysis of variables and intentional sampling in 10 students of 15.6 years of average age, was based on medical pedagogical observations consisting of interrogations and medical maneuvers to diagnose tendinitis, the determination of heart pulses and maximum strength per non-extreme weight before and after applying the special strength physical exercise program. Subsequently, the Spearman Rho statistical test was applied, showing a moderate negative correlation between the increase in maximal strength and the prevention of tendinitis. Shapiro-Wilk to determine the distribution in the data, the Student's t test or Wilcoxon facilitated the processing and comparison of the before-after results. It was found very significant results in maximum strength associated with very significant physical adaptation, which affects the decrease in muscle weakness and painful symptoms related to the very significant evolution in tendinitis.
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