The Effect of a Repeated Sprint Training Session on Neuromuscular Acute Fatigue
The performance in countermovement jump (CMJ) may represent a practical and noninvasive way to control the effects imposed by loads of a training session on fatigue. The present study aimed to investigate the acute influence of repeated sprint training (RST) protocol on neuromuscular performance, measured with countermovement jump (CMJ) and a 40m sprint test, at different moments - during and post training; and to check if the sprint decrement obtained throughout the RST protocol would be related to the acute decrement in CMJ. The sample was composed of 11 male university-level team-sport athletes (22.66±1.97 years, 75.68±7.84 kg, 1.78±2.06 m). After the familiarization process, the volunteers participated in the CMJ baseline test, RST training session, CMJ test during the RST training, CMJ test after RST training (2h, 24h and 48h). The minimal individual difference (MID) was used to identify actual individual changes in CMJ and sprint performance. Pearson’s correlation coefficient, with 95% percentile bootstrap confidence intervals, was used to identify the relationship between CMJ and sprint performance. The RST training protocol was able to induce real CMJ and sprint performance changes. The CMJ performance returned to initial values 24 and 48 hours after RST training. The sprint performance remained altered during the RST, which was expected. However, performance remained below MID at 2h, 24h and 48h after the training protocol. The performance at CMJ and sprint showed a positive and significant correlation. A multi-parameter approach should be adopted to monitor the status of neuromuscular fatigue.
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