Comparative Analysis Between the Cultural Pedagogies of Physical Education by Daolio and Neira
This study aims to identify the approaches and distances between the pedagogical propositions of Daolio and Neira, considering the concept of culture, its directive character and the theoretical references that underlie them. The results indicated that Jocimar Daolio's Cultural Perspective is based on studies from social anthropology, whereas the Cultural Curriculum of Physical Education, proposed by Marcos Neira, is based on post-adjusted studies. Through these theoretical references, it was possible to infer that: in Daolio, culture is understood as a network of meanings produced by human beings; in Neira, in turn, culture is understood as a field of meanings disputed by different groups. With regards to the directive character of the proposals, it was found that the first is characterized as a non-directive and the second as a directive. Given this, it was possible to conclude that the authors get closer by placing culture as a central element in their proposals and by defending a democratic teaching; however, they distance themselves regarding the theoretical bases that support their propositions, in the compression of culture and in what it respect to the directivity of its proposals.
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