Psychological Factors that Optimize Growth and Development in a High Performance Gymnast


Introduction: The research deals with a case study of a 12 year old and 2-month old high performance gymnast who presents chronic bilateral knee tendinopathy, allergies, headache, eye discomfort before competing, poor sports/school performance, insecurity, low self-esteem, self-demand, refusal behaviors to eat, low height for age (parameters of chronic malnutrition). Objective: Investigate the psychological factors related to growth and development in a high performance gymnast. Methods: Psychological intervention program with a cognitive-behavioral approach composed of four moments: initial evaluation, intervention, final evaluation, follow-up evaluation. The following were used: the psychometric questionnaire to evaluate psychological factors in sports performance (C.P.R.D.) and the Anthroplus (WHO) program to verify the growth curve in relation to height-age. Results: Post-treatment evaluations show that three factors such as stress control, self-performance perception and mental ability improved considerably and were maintained three months after the intervention. The relationship between height and age was favorable with the value (Z score: -0.77) normal parameters of height for age. Conclusions: Stress is verified as one of the predominant psychological factors for growth retardation, accompanied by anxiety as a resulting physiological symptomatology, perception of body image, mental abilities, self-demand and sleep as indicators of growth. Psychological stress could be related to performance and injuries that could attenuate growth and development in high-performance gymnasts in sensitive phases of development.

Keywords: Growth, Gimnast, Psychological disorders


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Author Biography

Iván Esaú Pinto Vargas,

How to Cite
Pinto Vargas, I. E., & Fuentes Carrasco, J. F. (2023). Psychological Factors that Optimize Growth and Development in a High Performance Gymnast. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(303), 135-151.
Case Study (Clinical)