Social Determinants Associated with Recreational and Health Care Physical Activity

Study in the Argentine Republic in 2009 and 2018


Introduction: There is strong evidence that sports and exercise are beneficial for physical and mental health, at the time that its practice is socially stratified. The purpose of this article was to analyze the impact of socio-demographic and geographical factors, as well as household composition, on the practice of exercise and sports in Argentina in the years 2009 and 2018. The interactions of these variables were also analyzed. Methods: Quantitative analysis of the National Survey of Risks Factors conducted in 2009 and in 2018. A descriptive analyzed was first presented, followed by an inferential multivariate one based on various models of logistic regressions. Results: Income, educational level, gender, age, area of residence, and household composition generated inequalities in the practice of physical activity that is beneficial for health. Gender inequalities intensified in lower income group, for those who are younger and those who live in households with children under the age of ten. Conclusions: it was pointed out the importance of implementing public policies with a gender perspective and of the investment in public infrastructure as means to facilitate the practice of this type of physical activity and to ameliorate persistent social inequalities.

Keywords: Exercice, Socioeconomic factors, Social inequity, Gender inequality, Intersectionality


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How to Cite
Ballesteros, M. S., Freidin, B., & Wilner, A. (2021). Social Determinants Associated with Recreational and Health Care Physical Activity: Study in the Argentine Republic in 2009 and 2018. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(276), 2-19.
Research Articles