Importance of Physical Education Based on Inclusive Values


This article aims to identify the theoretical approaches on inclusive values, inclusive education in physical education, and inclusive practices, in relation to the educational field, based on a documentary review to make a detailed tracking of the subject. Some theoretical postulates were taken for its conceptualization. The method used was the bibliographic search in databases and primary documentary sources such as: article and postgraduate thesis, doctorate in journals such as Efdeportes, Scielo, Dialnet, Retos, among others. The selection criteria were those that had the most theoretical approach regarding the research topic, the evaluation of the quality of the selected articles and theses was with updated publications between 2015 and 2020, ending with an analysis of the variability, reliability and validity of the articles and theses. The structure of this article will have three moments, the first part refers to the understanding of the meanings of inclusive values ​​and values, the second part presents a brief conceptualization of inclusive education and the third part makes a theoretical approach of inclusive education in physical education and inclusive practice in the educational field and finally some conclusions are made.

Keywords: Inclusive values, Inclusive education, Physical Education, Inclusive practices


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How to Cite
Sepulveda Sandoval, S. Y. (2021). Importance of Physical Education Based on Inclusive Values. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(283), 146-158.
Review Articles