The Right to Recreation in Argentina and its Recognition in the Provincial Legal Frameworks


This article is part of the research project "Public recreation policies in the Province of Córdoba", which is carried out by the Faculty of Physical Education of the Provincial University of Córdoba, Argentina. In addition to the analysis of public policies and the institutional structures from which they are designed and implemented, it is considered necessary to investigate the legal frameworks in which the right to recreation is recognized. In this opportunity, an exploratory search is attempted regarding the presence of this right in the provincial constitutions of Argentina. For this, a first approximation is made based on a documentary investigation of 35 normative texts: the National Constitution of the Argentine Republic, the 10 international treaties ratified in it, and the 24 jurisdictional constitutions of the country. According to what was investigated, the rights to recreation, recreation, rest and free time are present in most of the provincial constitutions, as a matter to legislate, as an activity of social interest, in the rights recognized to children, youth and old age, as a competence attributed to the municipalities or linked to educational policies.

Keywords: Recreation, Provincial constitutions, Social rights, Argentina


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How to Cite
Griffa, M. (2022). The Right to Recreation in Argentina and its Recognition in the Provincial Legal Frameworks. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(287), 16-27.
Research Articles