Evaluation of Static Indicators in Patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2
Ataxia is defined as the disorder of intentional movement, due to alterations in balance and coordination. The objective is to identify a biomechanical profile of balance disorders in patients with type 2 spinocerebellar ataxia. The methods and techniques were used with the intention of organize and study the evolution of the topic addressed, the study of comparisons, differentiations, similarities and characterization of the bibliographic references provided by different authors, as a fundamental theoretical basis for the general orientation and logic of the research process. The results with the application, it was shown that all the variables evaluated in the experimental group improved compared to the reference values, this allowed proposing a set of recommendations to be applied in practice, they are aimed at implementing actions that tend to re-educate balance and thus achieve a better contribution to the stability of the trunk and upper limbs, the conclusions are aimed at creating a profile with adequate biomechanical indicators to control. Previous studies show that the quantification of biomechanical indicators for this capacity is still insufficient, which led to the elaboration of a set of static indicators to evaluate the physical capacity of balance.
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