Impact of the Teaching Style on the Learning of Throwing in Water Polo in Schoolchildren


The learning of a technical modality of execution allows a greater energy efficiency and prevents possible injuries. However, which teaching style produces the best learning results of these executions? The objectives of this study were to analyze whether the teaching style influences the learning of any of the water polo shots types and to find out whether any of these types of shots achieve a greater learning improvement compared to the other types taught. Eighty primary school children participated voluntarily, all of whom had mastered the aquatic environment. The design was a pre-post intervention. The intervention developed in the classes of the subject of Physical Education was of 12 sessions. One group received a teaching-learning process through a teaching style based on task assignment and the other group through guided discovery. It is concluded that, in relation to the shooting gesture learning , the traditional style provided a 58% improvement compared to cognitive style. In this case, although not significantly, it was found that the use of this kind of teaching style tended to worsen the results of the final evaluation test results.

Keywords: Teaching, Sport initiation, Task assignement, Guided discovery, Sport technique, Water polo


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How to Cite
Argudo-Iturriaga, F. M., Ruiz-Lara, E., Borges Hernández, P. J., & García-Marín, P. (2021). Impact of the Teaching Style on the Learning of Throwing in Water Polo in Schoolchildren. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(282), 219-232.
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