Use of Masks and Maximum VO2 in University Students of the Physical Education Career


Having a good VO2 max, brings benefits to our life: less degeneration of neurons, better functioning of the frontal lobe of the brain, significantly improves intellectual and memory capacity, as well as the speed of information processing. With regard to quality of life, better VO2 max allows children to have higher quality of life levels compared to their peers with low VO2 max levels. In special populations, as well as in people with non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, improvements in quality of life are also observed compared to those with lower VO2 max. It is important to identify what actions prevent the development of a good VO2 max. The objective of this study was to determine the differences between the maximum O2 consumption when performing the Rockport Test first without a mask and then with a mask. The methodology used was pre-experimental. The sample consisted of 12 university students, they performed the Rockport test with which their VO2 max was estimated. The results showed a VO2 max of 40.94 ± 8.895 when using a mask and a VO2 max of 48.62 ± 9.917, when not using it. Conclusions: The differences between VO2 max. With the use of a mask and without the use of the same it was statistically significant (p<0.002), a decrease in VO2 max was observed. when using the mask.

Keywords: Oxygen consumption, Hypoxia, N95 Respirators, Rockport Test


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How to Cite
Ñahui Rojas, H. F., & Olivero Pacheco, N. (2021). Use of Masks and Maximum VO2 in University Students of the Physical Education Career. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(283), 93-108.
Research Articles