Effect of Aerobic Training on Mood

Study on Participants of an Extension Project on Running and Walking


Physical exercise offers several benefits for the promotion of an individual's quality of life. The practice of the activity is also related to psychological, social and environmental factors. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of group aerobic training on the mood of the participants of the project "Walk and Run to Live Better". The sample consisted of 20 participants, 14 women and 6 men with an average age of 30±13.9 and 33.67±9.35 years, respectively. To measure the mood state, it was used on the Brunel Mood Scale. This was applied twice between the participants for comparison purposes, the first before the start of the project activities, and the second after eight weeks of aerobic training. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 25.0 program. It was observed that eight weeks of group aerobic training reduced to complement the reduction of the trend in the female sample (p=0.004). However, for males there was no difference within any of the dimensions. Therefore, it is concluded that eight weeks of group aerobic training positively affected the mood of the female sample evaluated. In addition, walking and running in groups can be considered a pleasant, inexpensive and beneficial intervention that, through social interaction, has the potential to combat stress, assist in promoting the individual's health and quality of life.

Keywords: Mood, Physical exercise, Quality of life


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Author Biographies

Isabella Carolina Silva Pereira,


Valéria Cristina de Faria,


Isadora Gomes Alves Mariano,


Thayane Fávero Silveira,


Júlia Vieira Salgado Silva,


Ana Júlia Dias,


Roseli Silva de Oliveira,


José Vítor Vieira Salgado,


How to Cite
Pereira, I. C. S., Faria, V. C. de, Mariano, I. G. A., Silveira, T. F., Silva, J. V. S., Dias, A. J., Oliveira, R. S. de, & Salgado, J. V. V. (2023). Effect of Aerobic Training on Mood: Study on Participants of an Extension Project on Running and Walking. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(306), 39-53. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i306.2996
Research Articles