Temperament Effect in the Strength Exercises Performance


Introduction: Temperament is an emotional predisposition with psychic effects peculiarities and the subject dominant structure, being a natural way in which the human being interacts in relation to his environment, while strength is defined as a capacity to generate tension intramuscular versus resistance. There may be a relationship between the two variables mentioned, and it is useful to establish them theoretically and empirically. Objective: Consult specialists about the possibility of a direct, indirect, dependent or independent relationship between the human temperament and the strength exercises performance. Methods: Descriptive-correlational research of a qualitative order, criteria studying of 13 specialists by means of a questionnaire on the existence or not of a direct (RD) and indirect (RI), dependency (RD2) or independence (RI2) relationship between temperament and performing strength exercises. Results: Mean qualitative scores are established with a relationship between Very Low and Low (RD: 1.46 points; IR: 1.77 points; RD2: 1.38 points; IR2: 1.54points), with no agreement between specialists (w=0.120), nor significant differences when purchasing the evaluations between the variable “RD” and “RD2” (p=0.762), and the variable “RI” and “RI2” (p=0.511). Conclusions: The specialists did not show with their criteria any type of relationship between temperament and the strength exercises performance, bearing in mind a direct and indirect relationship, or a dependence and independence relationship, being necessary to deepen the studies from the view point of qualitative as quantitative.

Keywords: Temperament, Strength, Specialists validation


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How to Cite
Chala Viveros, A. D., Simbaña Pachacama, P. M., & Romero Frómeta, E. (2021). Temperament Effect in the Strength Exercises Performance. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(279), 80-91. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i279.3107
Research Articles