Olympic Mexico and Argentina: Parallels and Differences

  • Francisco Baldinelli Independiente


Both Mexico and Argentina have a long history in the Olympic Movement. Argentina had a founding member in the first executive committee of the International Olympic Committee when it was founded in 1896. Both began their participation by sending delegations to the Summer Olympic Games in Paris in 1924 and the Winter Games in Saint-Moritz in 1928. At the same time both countries had participants in events prior to 1924. Mexico City hosted the Olympic Games in 1968 and Buenos Aires hosted the Youth Olympic Games in 2018. Argentina has obtained a total of 77 medals to date and Mexico 73. The sport in which Argentina obtained the most medals is in Boxing and Mexico in Diving.

Keywords: Olympic Games, History, Mexico, Argentina


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How to Cite
Baldinelli, F. (2021). Olympic Mexico and Argentina: Parallels and Differences. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(280), 226-231. Retrieved from https://test.efdeportes.com/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/3191