Laterality Patterns Study of Fencers of the Cuban Women's Saber Team


The saber is one of the weapons of fencing, more exciting for its rich phrasing of weapons and very complex to decide the effectiveness of the actions since the touch and blow is valid from edge, back edge and point. In this research we have proposed to study the fencers of the Women's National Saber Team, whose laterality will be measured, which will allow defining the strengths and weaknesses from assessing the motor preferences of the spongers. The objective of this research is to assess the characterization of the laterality or predominant motor part of the fencers of the national women's saber team, which subsequently contributes to perfecting sports preparation. To comply with the line drawn we rely on scientific research methods from the theoretical and empirical level. This work represents the introduction of an innovative technology for measuring spontaneous laterality patterns to Cuban saber performer, which will allow characterizing how many are homogeneous or crossed in relation to their manual oculus laterality. It is of great practical importance since it will recognize spontaneous motor preferences and will guarantee to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this laterality, allowing coaches to perfect the components of preparation, both physical, technical-tactical, and psychological based on these potentialities and in this way contribute to raising sports performance.

Keywords: Fencers, Laterality, Saber performer


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How to Cite
Polo Bugallo, G., Sánchez Córdova, B., Menéndez Rojas, D. R., Lastres Madrigal, A., Viera González, M. E., & Rodríguez Garzón, J. E. (2021). Laterality Patterns Study of Fencers of the Cuban Women’s Saber Team. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(281), 91-104.
Research Articles