Attitudes and Behaviors in the Use of the Internet in Students from the Province of Badajoz (Spain)
The emergence of the Internet has meant a paradigm shift in the way human beings relate, communicate and even understand life. Researchers, educational agents and parents have been showing in recent years a growing concern about the use that schoolchildren and adolescents make of the Internet, both in quantity and quality. For this reason, this work was proposed with a double intention: on the one hand, to have data that allow us to know from a descriptive point of view what are the attitudes and behaviors of schoolchildren in the use of the Internet; and, on the other hand, deepen their understanding to propose strategies that favor a more rational use of the network. In the present study, 508 students from different schools in the province of Badajoz (Spain) participated. The EUPI-a questionnaire was used. The results show that the Internet is robustly implemented among the school population under study and confirms that there are potentially dangerous behaviors among students that must be taken into account by educational centers, families and institutions.
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