Explosive Strength Development of the Basketball Player in the Defensive Rebound Take-Off in under the Basket


Introduction: Explosive-strength is the maximum capacity to increase muscular tension as a function of the time used for motor movement, the capacity development is decisive in cooperation-opposition sports such as basketball, given its contribution to the player technical-tactical improvement. In the same way, coordinative agility influences the regulation and conduction processes of the specific motor movement, such as the take-off of the rebound in basketball. Objective: To improve explosive strength and agility-coordination in the men's youth basketball team of Cantón Calvas, laying the foundations for future improvement of take-off in the rebound under the hoop. Methods: Descriptive-correlational research, studying explosive strength and coordinative agility in 14 basketball players after implementing 7 adapted exercises during three mesocycles to develop the defensive rebound take-off technique under the hoop, prioritizing the plyometric method application. Results: Explosive strength was systematically perfected (Pretest 1: 28.00 seconds; Pretest 2: 29.29 cm; Posttest: 32.93 cm; p=0.000), as well as agility-coordination (Pretest 1: 18.13 seconds; Posttest: 17.04 seconds; p=0.000). Conclusions: When the intervention proposal was implemented, the indicators of explosive strength and agility-coordination were significantly improved in the youth basketball players of the Calvas Canton, indirectly allowing the defensive rebound development under the hoop.

Keywords: Explosive strength, Basketball, Agility


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How to Cite
Maza Narváez, N. W., & Barrios Palacios, Y. D. (2022). Explosive Strength Development of the Basketball Player in the Defensive Rebound Take-Off in under the Basket. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(285), 97-108. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i285.3303
Research Articles