Motivation in the Adhesion and Regularity of Practitioners of Labor Gymnastics


Introduction: Labor gymnastics (LG) includes physical exercise at work and despite its benefits, adherence to classes is not unanimous. Objective: To identify the motivational profile of regular practitioners of LG from the six motivational dimensions (Stress Control, Health, Sociability, Competitiveness, Aesthetics and Pleasure). Methods: 389 workers (administrative and production sectors) answered the Questionnaire for the Identification of Control Variables and the Inventory of Motivation for the Regular Practice of Physical and Sports Activities (IMPRAFE-132). The answers were analyzed in the following categories: (1) age group; (2) specificity of functions; (3) participation in classes, using the t test for independent samples (α<0.05). Results: The motivational profile of LG practitioners follows the following order of dimensions, in order of importance: Stress Control, Pleasure, Health, Sociability, Aesthetics and Competitiveness. The comparison between: (1) age group showed no difference (p>0.05) for any of the dimensions; (2) the specificity of the functions showed that the production sector presented higher values ​​(p<0.001) than the administrative sector in five dimensions (Health, Sociability, Competitiveness, Aesthetics and Pleasure); and (3) participation in classes showed a difference (p=0.019) only in the Health dimension, with higher values ​​for those with “more than 1 year of practice”. Conclusions: These results indicate that the adhesion of these workers to LG may even have originated from motivation, and, regardless of the sector in which the workers are linked, the age group or the length of practice of LG, the dimensions that most motivate them, regardless of order, are Stress Control, Pleasure, and Health.

Keywords: Motivación, Actividades físicas, Gimnasia laboral


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Author Biographies

Antônio Alencar Rocha,

Carlos Adelar Abaide Balbinotti,

Claudia Tarragô Candotti,

Marcelo Francisco da Silva Cardoso,

How to Cite
Rocha, A. A., Balbinotti, C. A. A., Candotti, C. T., & Cardoso, M. F. da S. (2022). Motivation in the Adhesion and Regularity of Practitioners of Labor Gymnastics. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 32-42.
Research Articles