Functional Independence Comparison in the Passive Military and Civilian Elderly
Aging involves a series of morphological and physiological changes in the body, and its knowledge allows us to understand the pathophysiological differences between older adults and the rest of the adult population. To maintain functional independence it is essential to have adequate muscle mass. Strength and muscle mass reach their maximum expression between the second and fourth decades of life and since then there has been a progressive decline. The present study is a descriptive-correlational research, with a quantitative approach, which consisted of the comparative analysis of the aging of passive military personnel and civilians. The inclusion criteria in the military group of older adults were: being a passive military man who practiced physical activity frequently. On the other hand, in the comparative group of elderly civilians, the inclusion criterion was being sedentary. A total of 63 elderly people between 73 to 99 years old participated. The sample was divided into two groups: a group called active military physicists and a comparative group with sedentary civilian participants. In the research group, those who frequently performed physical activity show little dependence, on the contrary, the group of sedentary people present severe and moderate dependence.
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