What Games Allow the Development of Mental Abilities?

  • Diana Gujer Independiente


Mental sports have achieved this status because they are alternatives that, in addition to entertaining, allow the use of all skills to win. There are also games that, while this status is not reached, promote similar abilities. These games include tile games like checkers and dominoes, games of chance like slots, baccarat, poker, and roulette, and card games like briscola, bridge, and broomstick. All these games allow the development of mental skills such as patience, memory and analytical skills.

Keywords: Games, Mental skills, Analytical abilities


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How to Cite
Gujer, D. (2022). What Games Allow the Development of Mental Abilities?. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(285), 198-202. Retrieved from https://test.efdeportes.com/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/3351