Physical Preparation for Competition Climbing Athletes, Difficulty Modality, Both Sexes


Physical preparation is an essential part of the sports training management process, the which objective is to improve the functional potential of the athlete's body, including his physical qualities. The sports climbing requires specialized processes of physical preparation, being useful to determine the theoretical criteria of specialists that serve as a theoretical and methodological basis to prospectively establish optimal training plans. In this sense, the research objective is to analyze theoretical indicators by consulting specialists focused on physical preparation for athletes in competitive climbing, difficulty modality, both sexes. The research has a descriptive-explanatory approach of an exploratory order, studying under interview (5 specialists) 8 analysis indicators related to the applied physical preparation process. The general ideas emitted by the specialists are descriptively evidenced, which include what physical preparation is like in the difficulty mode, what are the determining physical capacities and their optimal way of developing them, how the physical loads and their frequencies are distributed, how the motor coordination, how is the specific physical preparation of climbers including their objectives, as well as benefit theoretically determine in the performance of a good applied physical preparation. It is recommended to population expand of specialists to interview, to increase the analysis reliability.

Keywords: Physical preparation, Competition climbing, Difficulty mode


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How to Cite
Toaquiza Villagómez, D. L., Guallichico Logacho, S. A., & Sotomayor Mosquera, P. R. (2022). Physical Preparation for Competition Climbing Athletes, Difficulty Modality, Both Sexes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(286), 2-20.
Research Articles