Standardized Partial or Total Meniscectomy Rehabilitation Program Applied from Home


In the Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy Department of the Sports Directorate of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, 12 cases of athletes after meniscectomy with longer recovery times in rehabilitation and readaptation to their sports activities, compared to the estimated times by the specialist physician, were detected. Therefore, the Standardized Post Partial or Total Meniscectomy Rehabilitation Program was carried out with the aim of accelerating these processes through standardization in physical exercises. Due to the health contingency derived in 2020 by the SARS-CoV2 virus, the proposal was modified to be applied non-face-to-face through individualized sessions from Monday to Friday and the use of ICTs. Evaluations were carried out with the frequency that each stage of the program marks (7-10 days), obtaining progress to determine if they were suitable to continue with the next stage until the end of the program. As a result of the application, increases in thigh and calf perimeters and an increase in knee joint maximum range of motion (ROM) were obtained. It was observed that with standardization and continuity, an acceleration carried out in 60 days of the estimated 120-180 days is generated. The objective of the work is to accelerate the recovery and reintegration into the daily life and physical-sporting activities of athletes through standardization in physical exercises for rehabilitation and sports readaptation.

Keywords: Athletic injuries, Meniscus, Menisectomy, Rehabilitation, Exercice therapy, Clinical protocols


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How to Cite
Alonso Gutiérrez, A. L., Morales Elizondo, D. E., Morales Corral, P. G., & Ochoa Ahmed, F. A. (2023). Standardized Partial or Total Meniscectomy Rehabilitation Program Applied from Home. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(298), 141-159.
Case Study (Clinical)