Comprehensive Sexual Education in the Training of Physical Education Teachers in Argentina and México


Although the legislation of Argentina and Mexico established the obligatory nature of comprehensive sexual education in schools, it has not been implemented effectively. One of the hypotheses that respond to this is the absence or deficiency of teacher training in the subject. Due to the above and taking into account the importance of physical education in the implementation of comprehensive sexual education, the objective of this study is to examine and compare the implementation of comprehensive sexual education in physical education teacher training institutes in Argentina and México. from the perspective of advanced and recently graduated students (in the last five years). With this objective, a descriptive and cross-sectional quantitative study of comparison between two means was carried out, applying a questionnaire that inquired about the training in comprehensive sexual education of the 96 participants who collaborated with the research. The results showed that despite the fact that the participants from both countries recognize the importance of providing comprehensive sexual education, its implementation in physical education teacher training institutes is still in process.

Keywords: Sex education, Physical Education, Teacher training


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How to Cite
Acosta Buralli, K., & Cevasco, J. (2022). Comprehensive Sexual Education in the Training of Physical Education Teachers in Argentina and México. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 2-15.
Research Articles