Biomechanical Analysis of the Taekwondo Furyo Chagui Kick in Novice and Classified Athletes


Introduction: Taekwondo is an Olympic sport with well-defined techniques, being important to technical gesture perfect to increase sports performance, sports biomechanics being useful. Objective: To compare the effectiveness and the furyo chagui kick angle between novice and classified taekwondo fighter. Methods: Descriptive-explanatory research of correlational order, studying two independent groups (Group 1, 21 novices; Group 2, 21 experienced, both groups of 7-28 years). In the comparison, the repetitions test of the furyo chagui kick is applied, determining the legs total execution angle. Results: Significant differences are evident in the two analyzed variables, being higher the furyo chagui kick repetitions in Group 2 (p=0.000) and the total angle of execution between legs (p=0.000). Conclusions: There are significant differences in ranked and novice taekwondo fighter as part of the furyo chagui kick technical execution. The repetition method determines the early deformation existence of the Group 1 technique, while the kick deformation is minimal in the experienced ones, implying a better mobility and strength capacity in experienced taekwondo's fighters.

Keywords: Taekowndo, Biomchanics, Furyo chagui kick


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How to Cite
Chicaiza Ramos, J. D., Vélez Caizaluisa, J. E., & Coral Apolo, E. G. (2022). Biomechanical Analysis of the Taekwondo Furyo Chagui Kick in Novice and Classified Athletes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(287), 106-119.
Research Articles