The Basketball Callejero in the Classes of School Physical Education
The work with sports content in Physical Education classes should not be restricted to the execution of technical movements, but contribute to the process of forming students' criticality. In this perspective, the use of methodologies that have the potential to stimulate the protagonism of all participants should be valued. Thus, the objective of the present research was to analyze the educational processes that emerged from the insertion of the Callejera Methodology in the practice of Basketball during Physical Education classes for High School. For data collection, field diaries were recorded, produced from an intervention carried out in a public school in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil. Data analysis used Content Analysis, giving rise to the following categories: A) Callejero Basketball competition; B) Gender relations in School Physical Education classes. During the experiences, gender issues were quite recurrent in the students' speeches, mainly sexist stereotypes reproduced by boys and girls, which are present not only in the school environment but also in our society, as well as excessive competitiveness, which was also present in game situations. Based on the reflection and dialogue provided by the Callejera Methodology, respect, cooperation and solidarity in Basketball practice began to be considered.
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