Study of Laterality Patterns of Cuban Elite Boxers


Currently there is a lack of knowledge of the behavior of the laterality patterns of the boxing athletes of the Cuban national team of seniors, for which the present investigation has as its main objective: To establish the laterality patterns of the boxers who are part of the national team. Cuban boxing. Scientific methods such as document review and measurement were applied for this, the latter aided by the application of a validated instrument to characterize laterality patterns in high-level athletes. The main conclusions of the study are that in the Cuban national boxing team there is a predominance of homogeneous athletes, a third of them are left-handed, and 60% of these left-handers are crossed, contrary to the rights in which 75% are homogeneous. Likewise three quarters of these athletes present the same laterality between the dominant hand and foot, and more than half present a crossed relationship between the skillful leg and the dominant hand.

Keywords: Laterality, Boxing, Cuba


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How to Cite
García Chacón, L. de la C., Álvarez Berta, L. M., Sánchez Córdova, B., Lastres Madrigal, A., Ordoqui Baldriche, J. A., & Acebal Monte, R. (2022). Study of Laterality Patterns of Cuban Elite Boxers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 110-122.
Research Articles