The Importance of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Higher Education Students

Literature Review


The regular practice of Physical Activity (PA) can help improve the quality of life and well-being of individuals dealing with depression and anxiety. In this context, we sought to identify and describe the current findings regarding the impact of PA on the mental health of college students. This is a literature review, with the selection of articles from electronic research platforms. For the study, 7 primary studies were selected, which investigated the practice of PA and the prevalence of mental disorders (anxiety and depressive symptoms) among university students. The results showed that 6 out of 7 studies evidenced a relationship between PA and anxiety and depression symptoms in college students. Based on the data, it is suggested that college students have a higher prevalence of developing some type of mental disorder due to their academic lifestyle. Those who engage in physical activities show lower rates of developing mental disorders, while the opposite occurs in less active individuals.

Keywords: Physical activity, Mental health, Higher Education


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Author Biographies

Lilia Jarina Almeida Martins dos Santos,

Manuela Havena Rosendo Lopes,

Henrique Souza Nascimento,

Yesica Nunez Pumariega,

Catalina Dominga Pumariega Torres,

Ramon Nunez Cardenas,

How to Cite
Santos, L. J. A. M. dos, Lopes, M. H. R., Nascimento, H. S., Pumariega, Y. N., Torres, C. D. P., & Cardenas, R. N. (2023). The Importance of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Higher Education Students: Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(305), 130-144.
Review Articles