Policing in Sport Hall Sporting Events: A Look Through Several Lenses


The configuration of the world we live in is the historical result of an evolution of societal characteristics that have shaped values, mentalities, and convictions, which have granted sports a way of life, and a dynamic that involves different stakeholders. The aim of this paper is to assess the dynamics of sporting events from the police point of view, to provide the managers of sports infrastructures, namely sports halls, tools and elements that enable joint and efficient decision-making to maintain the safety and protection of the myriad of intervening parties in the process. The scrutiny of this environment raises questions and reflects the interests, values, and needs of those involved. These elements, described through a review of the scientific and legal literature, enable the knowledge of the processes of police intervention and the potential improvements to be developed. Sports infrastructures, sports pavilions, need a security intervention in terms of their adjustment to security needs, according to the suggestions and plans outlined by the Public Security Police. Literary convergence points to the fact that the quiet work of the security forces is invaluable and fundamental in the pursuit of successful security and consequently sporting events. The absence of security problems is a first pillar of that success.

Keywords: Security, Safety, Police, Sport halls, Risk, Decision-making process


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How to Cite
Morgado, S. M. A., Neves, L. A. G., & Sequeira, P. J. R. M. de. (2023). Policing in Sport Hall Sporting Events: A Look Through Several Lenses. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(299), 101-118. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i299.3494
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