Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption: Students Aged 11 to 16 in Cáceres-Spain and Paranavaí-Brazil


Adolescence is a phase in which there is a period of stress-generating changes, which becomes a risk factor for the experimentation of psychoactive substances, which can last until adulthood, causing damage to health, compromising family, social and even professional relationships. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify the levels of alcohol and tobacco consumption in students from Paranavaí-Brazil and Cáceres-Spain. A cross-sectional study was conducted with students aged 11 to 16 from the cities of Cáceres, Spain, in 2015, and Paranavaí, Brazil, in 2013, who answered the questionnaire recommended by the Federal University of Pelotas on alcohol and tobacco consumption, and IPAQ, in addition to undergoing assessments of BMI, waist circumference and blood pressure levels. The collected data were processed using the computerized package Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), version 26.0. The results indicate that Brazilian students were more prone to obesity and experimentation with licit drugs earlier, as well as more alcohol users than the Spanish, who consume more tobacco. Adolescents with parents who drink are twice as likely to consume alcoholic beverages and those who smoke are also more likely to consume tobacco. Thus, it is remarkable the early onset of drug experimentation in both groups. The Brazilian group was more prone to alcohol consumption, while Spaniards are more likely to consume tobacco.

Keywords: Alcohol drinking, Tobacco use, Students


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Author Biographies

Silvia Bandeira Silva-Lima,

Flávia Évelin Bandeira Lima,

Fellipe Bandeira Lima,

Carlos Alexandre Molena Fernandes,

Juan Pedro Fuentes García,

Walcir Ferreira Lima,

How to Cite
Silva-Lima, S. B., Lima, F. Évelin B., Lima, F. B., Fernandes, C. A. M., Fuentes García, J. P., & Lima, W. F. (2023). Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption: Students Aged 11 to 16 in Cáceres-Spain and Paranavaí-Brazil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(296), 80-100.
Research Articles