Production of Knowledge about Physical Activities and Understanding of the Body During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The aim of this research is to analyze how the production of knowledge about physical activities in confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic addresses the relationship between the biological and the cultural. For this, a systematic review was carried out in the BVS, identifying 7 productions. It was found that most studies address the body only in its biological aspect, to the detriment of the biopsychosocial body, and it was also found that studies that transcended this approach sought to highlight the benefits of physical activity for mental health considering the fact of being human being biocultural, therefore, strongly marked also by the social and cultural relations that surround him. Even with this advance, there are still studies that disregard the socio-cultural aspects of the human body, leaving a concern for the realization that perhaps Physical Education, as an area of ​​knowledge. Finally, there are some limitations found, among them the need to consult other databases and for other contexts, in addition to the Brazilian one, in order to expand the tracking of information and thus verify if the perceptions observed during the realization of this review are valid. repeat on other platforms.

Keywords: Physical activity, Body, COVID-19, Social distancing


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Author Biographies

Lívia Silveira Duarte Aquino,

Joselita da Silva Santiago,

Larissa Maria de Paiva Ribeiro Pereira,

Rosie Marie Nascimento de Medeiros

Priscilla Pinto Costa da Silva,

Maria Isabel Brandão de Souza Mendes,

How to Cite
Aquino, L. S. D., Santiago, J. da S., Pereira, L. M. de P. R., Medeiros, R. M. N. de, Silva, P. P. C. da, & Mendes, M. I. B. de S. (2023). Production of Knowledge about Physical Activities and Understanding of the Body During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(297), 185-200.
Review Articles