Chape as a Training Club: Designs for Human Education
This work presents an analysis of the organization of the psychopedagogical and social sector of the base categories of Associação Chapecoense de Futebol from the legal provisions that characterize the club as a training club, explaining its approximations and/or distances with objectives of human formation in contexts not schoolchildren. The methodological procedures unfolded from readings of productions on the subject followed by a conversation circle with three professionals who work in the club, a psychologist, a pedagogue and a social worker, the conversation circle was guided by two guiding themes, the ) Human Formation and b) Objectives of human formation. The data were analyzed from the historical-cultural epistemological perspective, a theoretical option that allowed a critical reflection on the organization of the professionals' work and its approach to human formation in the context of Non-School Education. The results indicate that the organization of the work of professionals in the club with the basic categories is directed towards the development of actions that effect human formation in a context of non-school education.
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